Grain Storage Tips for Winter Wheat Used as Cattle Feed: Best Practices

Grain Storage Tips for Winter Wheat Used as Cattle Feed: Best Practice

Proper storage of winter wheat is crucial, especially when it's intended for cattle feed. The quality of the stored grain directly impacts the nutritional intake of livestock, affecting their health, growth, and overall productivity. Therefore, it's imperative to follow best practices to maintain the nutritional value of the harvested wheat. Here are some critical tips to ensure your winter wheat remains in top condition during storage:

1. Harvest at the Right Moisture Content

  • Harvest winter wheat when its moisture content is around 14%. This level helps reduce mold growth and other spoilage risks during storage.

2. Clean Before Storing

  • Use grain cleaners or separators to remove chaff, straw, and other foreign materials. This not only helps in storing but also ensures that cattle are not consuming potential contaminants.

3. Aerate the Grain

  • Proper aeration reduces hotspots and moisture build-up, preventing mold growth.
  • Invest in good-quality fans and maintain consistent airflow through the grain mass, especially during the initial storage phase.

4. Monitor Grain Temperature

  • Maintain the stored grain at temperatures below 15°C (59°F) to reduce the risk of insect infestations and mold growth.
  • Consider using temperature cables or probes to monitor and manage grain temperature.

5. Ensure Proper Bin Hygiene

  • Before storing new grain, clean storage bins thoroughly to remove any residual grain or contaminants.
  • Regularly inspect bins for signs of rust, damage, or leaks, and repair them promptly.

6. Control Insects and Rodents

  • Use pheromone traps or other monitoring systems to keep an eye on insect populations.
  • Consider periodic fumigation or protectants, but always ensure they're safe for grains meant for livestock consumption.
  • Maintain the surroundings of storage bins. Keep them free from weeds and debris to deter rodents.

7. Minimize Time in Temporary Storage

  • If using temporary storage solutions like grain bags, transfer the wheat to more permanent storage as soon as feasible to ensure longevity and reduce exposure to external threats.

8. Rotate Stored Grain

  • Practice the "first in, first out" rule. Ensure that older grain is used first, keeping the stored grain fresh and of high quality.

9. Regularly Monitor Grain Condition

  • Schedule regular checks for signs of spoilage, mold, or insect activity. This proactive approach can help you address problems before they escalate.

10. Safe Storage Duration

  • Be aware of how long winter wheat can be stored without losing its nutritional value. Typically, under optimal conditions, winter wheat can be stored for 6-12 months. However, this duration can vary based on storage conditions and grain quality at harvest.

11. Moisture Management

  • Invest in reliable grain moisture meters. Keeping moisture levels consistent prevents sprouting, mold growth, and other forms of degradation.
  • Consider re-aerating the grain if external factors (e.g., rain seepage) introduce additional moisture.


When winter wheat is intended for cattle feed, its nutritional quality during storage is paramount. By implementing these best practices, farmers can ensure that their livestock receive consistent, high-quality feed, leading to healthier animals and more efficient farming operations.