Contract Growing

When it comes to our seed offering, Revolution Soil and Seed is primarily focused on providing custom growing and production services for our wholesale partners. This includes other seed companies, large farmers and large cattle operations. We specialize in the bulk production and certification of Certified and Registered class Wheat and Triticale.

Right now our production is focused on the following products:

1. SY TF 813 Triticale from Trical Genetics
2. Flex 719 Triticale from Trical Genetics
3. Monument Wheat (HR) from Agripro Genetics 
4. Ovation Wheat (SW) from Agripro Genetics.


How It Works 

If you are interested in our custom seed production services, please call Josh Hess at (970)556-5425. 

The first step to contract Revolution Soil and Seed to produce seed for you is to contact us before September 1st of each year. This is our cut off date for new production contracts. 

Once you contact us, let us know how much seed you’ll be needing. We contract anything from 44,000lbs to 3,000,000lbs. 

Once we know that and agree on a price, we will work to make sure we can get enough acres of your crop in the ground to fulfill your contract. That’s all the we require of you. 

The rest is on us to grow your crop, get it inspected by the state and then bring it to our own seed conditioning facility to clean and certify your seed. 

 Once its cleaned, packaged and certified, we start shipping it to you in the packaging and labeling of your request.

Request More Information

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I place an order?

Fill out the form and we will be in touch regarding your bulk and wholesale seed needs. Seed is by 44,000 freight at a discount price per pound plus discount per pound freight shipping.

2. How do I recieve the seed?

We can set up the freight shipping through our trucks or you can use your own freight company. We will work with you regarding freight shipping.

3. When should I place my order?

As soon as possible. Our small grains sell out quickly and we need to put aside your bulk order. Once the Invoice is signed, we bill Net30 after seed delivery. We will stay in close contact with you regarding when your seed order will be going out.

4. When will the Seed be delivered?

We grow, clean and distribute all our small grains. So will we let you know when the seed is ready to head your way.