Natural Solutions For Sustainable Soil Management
Our compost is of the highest quality. It is meticulously crafted with a focus on
Ask us about our Custom Agricultural Compost Spreading Services! New to the 2024 season, we will be offering custom hauling and spreading services with our new semi trailer equipped with a compost spreader. This will allow us to haul and spread your compost at the same time and pass the savings onto you.
Revolution Soil and Seed has been composting for over 10 years and is proudly offering our OrganoSCAPE product to both the Agricultural and Landscaping industries. We specialize in Wholesale compost production and sales, but expect to open our compost yards to the public in 2025!
About our Compost
OrganoSCAPE is a manure-based (Class II) compost and soil amendment that provides essential microorganisms, nutrients and organic matter that helps build and replenish soil health. Our OrganoSCAPE compost is also on average 400% less expensive than synthetic fertilizers and soil amendments.
How to use our compost
There are many uses for our OrganoSCAPE compost including Landscaping, Gardening and Agriculture. Each situation will have its own unique recommendations, however seen below for some common compost use tips.
On our irrigated farmland we apply 10-30tons of compost every 3 years. We do not recommend making light applications on farm ground as we do not see the same benefit as applications that are 10+ tons per acre. The goal will applying compost to crop land is to boost yield and eliminate the need for costly synthetic fertilizers like 11-52-0 and 0-0-60. We find we get the greatest financial benefit on our ground when we apply high application rates of compost at once and fully incorporate it into the soil profile every 3-4 years.
New Tree Planting:
When planting a new tree, incorporate 5 gallons of compost with the native soil. Top dress the planting area with 2” of compost to water in over time.
Sod Prep:
When prepping ground to lay sod or seed a new lawn, apply 2” of compost evenly across the desired area and incorporate into the natural soil. Once the sod is laid or new seeding has become established, top dress with compost once a year in the spring or fall.
Raised Garden Beds:
When filling raised garden beds for the first time use a blend of compost and a sandy soil. Use no more than 20% compost and 80% soil. When amending raised beds, incorporate up to 2” of compost into the top 6” of soil once annually in the spring or fall.
Soil Gardens:
When gardening in existing soil, amend your garden once a year in the spring or fall with up to 4” of compost. Incorporate the compost 6-8” into the soil using a rototiller or other tilling method.
Why Use Compost
With fertilizer prices drastically increasing, don’t let your soil, crops and bottom line suffer. Look into our nutrient and microbe packed OrganoSCAPE compost to replenish and revive your soil health for the upcoming season. Compost provides a 400% savings versus synthetic fertilizer costs. A $1,000 investment of compost provides you the equivalent nutrient value of a $4,000 investment in synthetic fertilizers.
Compost Sites

Site A
9743 CR 16, Ft. Lupton, CO 80621
Loading hours are between 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday

Site B
Compost, Seed
9571 CR 20, Ft. Lupton, CO 80621
Loading hours are between 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday
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